Documentation for the C# command-line option parsing library

OptDefAttribute Class

Define that a property or field can be given as an option

For a list of all members of this type, see OptDefAttribute Members.


public class OptDefAttribute : Attribute


For Flag the property or field must have be type of bool

For IncrementalFlag the property or field must be a integer

For ValueReq or ValueOpt the property or field must be the type of the ValueType property.

For MultValue the property or field must be an IList of values of the type defined by the ValueType property (IList cannot be null).


Example class implementing options via attributes:

// Example class defining properties
class Properties
    #region Enumerations
    internal enum ExamplePropertyEnum
    #endregion Enumerations

    #region Members
    private ExamplePropertyEnum _exampleEnumProp;
    #endregion Members

    #region Accessed by code properties
    // Cannot be used by the parser easily, but can be used
    // by code
    public ExamplePropertyEnum ExampleEnumProp 
        get { return _exampleEnumProp; }
        set { _exampleEnumProp = value; }
    #endregion Accessed by code properties

    #region Options
    // Cannot be used by the parser easily, but can be used
    // by code
    // The EditorBrowsableAttribute is used to hide this 
    // property from code
    [Description("Show how to perform complex type option parsing")]
    public string ExampleEnumPropAsString
        get { return _exampleEnumProp.ToString(); }
            switch (value.ToLower())
                case "first": _exampleEnumProp = ExamplePropertyEnum.First; break;
                case "second": _exampleEnumProp = ExamplePropertyEnum.Second; break;
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Invalid value for the example-enum-prop option");

    // Example of how to reverse flag-option values
    [Description("Disable debug output")]
    public bool NoDebug
        get { return !this.Debug; }
        set { this.Debug = !value; }

    [Description("Enable debug output")]
    public bool Debug = false;

    [Description("Output directory")]
    public string Directory = ".";

    [Description("Input file")]
    public string File = null;

    [Description("Set level of vebosity for debug printing")]
    public int Verbose = 0;

    [OptDef(OptValType.MultValue, ValueType=typeof(string))]
    [Description("Test option that takes multiple values")]
    public StringCollection Strings = new StringCollection();
    #endregion Options


Namespace: CommandLine.OptParse

Assembly: CSharpOptParse (in CSharpOptParse.dll)

See Also

OptDefAttribute Members | CommandLine.OptParse Namespace | Parser